First Dynasty of Egypt

From Warpedia

Dynasty I


3150 BCE


2890 BCE

Preceded by:

Dynasties of Lower Egypt and Upper Egypt

Succeeded by:

Second Dynasty of Egypt


EarlyDynasticEgypt.png Early Dynastic Egypt


Narmer or Menes




The First Dynasty of Ancient Egypt, also known as Dynasty I, covers the first series of Egyptian pharaohs who ruled over a unified Egypt, immediately following its unification, as well as the first set of rulers of Early Dynastic Egypt. The first of these rulers was either Narmer or Menes, the last pharaohs of Upper/Lower Egypt respectively, and the last of these rulers was Qa'a

The First Dynasty was brought to an end when Qa'a died, leaving no apparent heir. A civil war broke out over the empty throne, with would-be pharaohs, Sneferka and Horus Bird, fighting for control.

Rulers[edit | edit source]